Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer break

Today is the first day of summer break. I am not coming back to Ecole Provencher. Next year I am getting home schooled, and I don't know what I'm going to do for grade 8. Anyway I just thought I would blog that.
My new batch of hand fed birds are almost ready to go I'm selling one or two next Friday and yes, I will save twenty dollars and give away ten. Anyway. that will give me enough for the long awaited Ipod touch. Did you know if you start saving 20$ a month by the time you are sixteen you will have 1,000,000$ By the time your 60? And that is why I save. Anyway. Bye


Sunday, June 22, 2008

busking busking busking!

So I went busking today, its Sunday by the way. I opened up my case, put some rosin on my bow, began playing some songs as usual. People started dropping in change as usual. Only the money dropping wasn't the same this time, not at all. After playing for about 10 minutes I glanced down at my case. There was, from what I could see, probably about $12 in there. Darn good right? But that is definitely not it. I kept busking for a little while. Just as I was packing up some guy dropped in a 5 dollar bill in there. "holy crap! Thank you!". Said a very surprised busker. So I walked over to dad and said I was ready to go. Then the guy walked up to dad and said that he owned a restaurant and me and Dad could come over there and busk anytime. So yeah. Thats pretty awesome. Oh! And I got home, counted my money and there was $26 in there! That made me want to count all of my busking money all together. There was $95! Anyway, thats all, bye!

A very lucky busker


Saturday, June 21, 2008


Wow I have not posted for a long time! I was sitting at the computer and I felt like blogging. I don't know why. Anyway. We went to an overnight camp yesterday which was okay. I'm not big on the whole overnight thing. It was fun though. We went rock climbing, horseback riding, mountain biking, etc. I brought my video camera and taped some stuff. That was fun. And I slept okay in the cabins. Oh! Speaking of the cabins. Everybody in my cabin was ranting all day about, as they put it "getting wasted on candy". What actually happened was we got to our cabins. Ate one chocolate bar. Talked for like half an hour. And fell fast asleep. And that is a great example of the talk/reality of the 6th grade. Am I glad its almost over.
