Saturday, May 13, 2006

lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal not listinig

I have a new post AUNTY LINDA so there I will post again anyway,we wher suppost to get are dog O yeah LAST SUNDAY BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOO we couldend because one got rilly sick anyway atleast we can get him tomoro O never mind we cant get them for another 2 WEEKS!!! because the stupid flu shots dident work so most of them are dead there are only 3 left


Linda said...

Oh no! Is yours still alive? I sure hope that you can get it in 2 weeks. That is really sad.

Anonymous said...

What!?! I am as shocked as Aunt Linda. I hope yours is ok and you get him in 2 weeks. Otherwise- you'll just have to pick another, cute pup. Looks like Mom and Dad are in- no matter which pup you might get. Hope none of the others get sick at the shelter.

Anonymous said...

I just heard a rumour that your dog survived the flu and that you'll be getting him soon. Is that true?