Saturday, January 05, 2008


WELCOME! this is a list of subjects I would write whole posts on but today I will write multiple sentences that some up a topic

1. My birds are doing well

2. My feet are cold

3. I hate winter

4. school is approaching too fast

5. Hockey

6. We still haven't taken down are tree

7. 24

8. MP3 player

9. MP3 player

10. MP3 player

NOW! while I'm on a roll: Micah's unanswerable questions

1. Why are old people either super grumpy or super nice?

2. Why do you have to pay a taxi so much in PEI?

3. Why do people keep rats as pets?

4. why do people like blogging so much?

5. Why do tasty stuff make you fat and untasty stuff make you slim?

WELL! thats all for today


Linda said...

Great list Micah! And for the questions, they're great too. And I don't have any answers even though I'm older than you.

Wendy Barkman said...

Are there a lot of Irish descendants in PEI? I've heard say there are. So I was wondering if the answer to number two might also answer my question, "Why do you have to pay so much for a taxi in Dublin?" Let me know if you figure out the answer.