Sunday, January 13, 2008


the edge was today which was fun. The most annoying and mean guys (we have to invite them to cover the cost left early so we had an hour and a half without them. Also. track and field is tomorrow. I do not want to go. Also I got 12 on 15 for a basketball free throws which is surprising because I suck at basketball. I'm going to the next round. I have a feeling that was just luck though. Now. I want your opinion on something. Which MP3 player do you think is better? this one? or this one? Anyway I have to go to bed. bye.


Linda said...

I like the look of the first one. I suppose it depends on what features you're looking for and which one has the best. One of the things Uncle Wes does before he makes a purchase is to check out Consumer Reports to see what they say.

Glad you had fun at the Edge yesterday. As for basketball, if you got 12 out of 15, you definitely DO NOT SUCK. You're probably pretty good and you could be a famous basketball player if you joined a team. Think of the fame, think of the glory and you would have enough money to buy BOTH MP3 players!

Larissa said...

Zen Vision W - I'm only going by the look of it. I think it's pretty cool.

Linda said...

Well....I think it's time for a new post....

Larissa said...

me too