Sunday, March 18, 2007


Top 10 bad infuences

1. The Pussycat dolls. Hmm its strange they're problably always running late for video shoots and concerts because they always seem to appear in underwear and bras.

2. The black eyed peas. The people who started started the craze of duscusting songs

3. Justin timberlake. Sexy back? Future sex? when is he going to come out with a new sex song?

4. Hinder. Not neceserely a bad influence but becareful if you listen youll problably shatter your ear drums and if you wach the music video the same will happen to your eyes. They are uuuuuuuuuuugley

5. Fergy. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkk i dont even know were to start

6. Practicley every movie star alive

7. Akon. Smack that makes me feel like throwing up every time I hear them

8. Britany spears. I'm surprised the word skimpy wasnt named after her

9. Nickelback. Prettymuch the same as Hinder

10. Nelly Patato oops I mean fertato

Anyway post a comment on wich one YOU think is the worst influence I want to see the vary worst.



Linda said...

Worst influence? Well, there are so many to choose from. I find Paris Hilton (the person, not the hotel) to be particularly disgusting. I'll bet her parents are pretty bad too.

Singers? You probably don't know Dan Hill but then again, you're lucky if you don't. "sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much and I have to close my eyes and hide...

(Dixie closes her eyes and thinks she's hiding when she's scared. Does Dan really think that by closing his eyes he can hide? Is he just stupid or what?)

mmichele said...

they're all just blecky, i think.