Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bacon mmmmmmmmmmmm

(The following story contains materials that may not be suitable for young children. Reader discretion is advised.)

Okay. Yesterday I was walking by my room and my birds started making this weird noise. So naturally, I went to check on them. When I saw what was happening I Wished I wouldn't have. Chuck was on top of tweety making squeaky noises. And I don't think he was asking for piggy back ride either. Which only leaves one possibility. Breeding. Since then they have been breeding pretty much non stop. Its kind of getting annoying. At least I didn't start whacking the cage thinking they were attacking each other. Not that I'm mentioning any names. Mom. Well. That about sums it up. Goodbye.


mmichele said...

Micah! you can't tell all my secrets...

Unknown said...

So you might get baby birds?

Linda said...

Well, well, well. Lot's of action going on at your place it seems.

Are you suggesting that your mom once wacked a bird cage when the birds were "going at it?"

Anonymous said...

Next time something shocking happens like that you're supposed to run down the hall covering your eyes, yelling, "AAAAAh, my eyes! I've gone blind!" like my kids's effective and makes you feels better. (and it's funny)

Larissa said...

haha, lovely! Brittany has two birds right now as well. The female is almost 1 year old and she can't wait for them to breed.